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Classification of Hindu Scriptures

 Classification of Hindu Scriptures 

Hindu Scriptures are vast and huge, cannot be compiled into 1 single post, but this is a small attempt to classify them and cover almost all the major scriptures in 1 post in an easy way.

 Starting with Vedas, the Eternal and Endless knowledge of Bhagavan, indifferent from Bhagavan in word form is revealed to us via the Rishis, ie divine seers, And these are the Basis of entire Hindu, Bharatiya Civilization, and all Hindu Scriptures

There are 4 Vedas, which are divided into Samhita (mantra), Brahmana (explanatory part for Yajnas), Aranyaka and Upanishads (the vedic philosophy). Six Vedangas are used to understand the meaning and interpret Vedas, hence are called Angas, the Ogans of Vedas.

The Smritis are recollection of the same Vedic principles, the part dealing with Dharma are Dharmashastras which is the established sense of Smritis, further Itihasa and Puranas are also called Smritis many times but are treated different as well. Puranas involve explaining all Vedic concepts and philosophy. with detailing the Divine Leelas of Bhagavan, while Itihasas focus on the 4 Purusharthas (dharma artha kama and moksha), while describing the events of the past in form of stories. 

Aagamas are Diety-specific shaastras which focus on tje various aspects of The Diety (Avataras Murtis, Yantras beeja mantras etc) which have mainly 4 aspects, the Charya = bhakti methods of Diety, observing fasts and festivals etc, Kriya = various mantras Japas Yantras temple architecture and formation etc, Yoga = Inward process of awakening Kundalini and meditation, to unite with Diety and Jnana = philosophy expounded in the Tantra.

Miscellaneous can have Darshana Shastras (various Vedic philosophies out of which 6 are major) and 64 Kalas (art forms), Kamashastra Arthashastra Ganita (Mathematics), Vaimanika Shastra and also the various works of our Traditional Acharyas.

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